How to Stop Kids from Lying (10 tips that actually work + consequences)

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Written By Olivia Miller

Author at Montessori Expert.

Catching your child in a lie can feel like a punch to the gut.

It’s a moment that leaves you questioning everything you thought you knew about your little one.

But here’s the thing, mama: you’re not alone.

Every parent goes through this, and it’s not the end of the world.

In fact, it’s an opportunity to teach your child the value of honesty and help them grow into a person of integrity.

First things first, let’s dive into why kids even lie in the first place.

It’s not because they’re little monsters trying to drive us crazy (even though it might feel that way sometimes).

Kids lie for all sorts of reasons – to avoid getting in trouble, to get something they want, or even just to get a reaction out of us.

Why Do Kids Lie

a mom talking to a young person sitting on a couch
  1. To avoid punishment or consequences
  2. To get something they want
  3. To get attention or a reaction
  4. To cover up mistakes or accidents
  5. Because they’ve learned it from others

Understanding the why behind the lie can help us figure out how to address it.

But before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me just say this – lying is a normal part of child development.

It doesn’t mean your kid is destined for a life of crime.

It just means they’re testing boundaries and figuring out how the world works.

10 Tips to Stop Kids from Lying

a mom and a child sitting on a couch looking at each other

Okay, now that we’ve got reasons out of the way, let’s talk about some practical tips for getting your kid to stop lying:

1. Model honesty yourself

If you want your child to be honest, you’ve got to walk the talk.

That means no more little white lies or fibbing to get out of awkward situations.

Your child is watching you like a hawk, and they’ll follow your lead.

Be the shining example of honesty you want to see in your little one. It’s not always easy, but it’s so worth it.

Example: If you accidentally break something, own up to it in front of your kid. Say something like, “Oops, I made a mistake. I accidentally broke this dish, but I’m going to clean it up and apologize to daddy for breaking it.”

2. Create a safe space for telling the truth

Make honesty the golden rule in your household. Sit down with your child and have a heart-to-heart about why telling the truth is so important.

Don’t just lecture them, make it a conversation. Listen to their thoughts and feelings, and let them know that honesty is the glue that holds your family together. 

When everyone’s on the same page, it’s easier to hold each other accountable.

3. Praise honesty

When your child does tell the truth, especially when it’s hard, praise them like they just won the Nobel Peace Prize. Make a big deal out of it.

Give them a hug, a high-five, or a little reward. Show them that honesty pays off and that you’re proud of them for being brave enough to tell the truth.

Positive reinforcement is key, so don’t be shy about laying on the praise.

Example: When your kid comes to you with the truth about something they did wrong, resist the urge to yell or get angry. Instead, say something like, “I’m so proud of you for telling me the truth. I know that wasn’t easy, but it was the right thing to do.”

4. Avoid setting traps

Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to just to catch your kid in a lie. It’ll only make them more likely to lie in the future.

Example: Instead of asking, “Did you eat the last cookie?” when you know darn well they did, try saying something like, “I noticed the last cookie is gone. Do you know what happened to it?”

5. Avoid Labeling Your Child as a “Liar”

Labeling your child as a “liar” is like putting a big, fat stamp on their forehead.

It doesn’t help, it only hurts. Instead, focus on the lie itself and talk to them about why they felt the need to stretch the truth.

Are they afraid of getting in trouble? Are they feeling anxious or insecure?

Get to the root of the problem and work on building their confidence and problem-solving skills. Remember, it’s the behavior you want to change, not your child’s sense of self.

Example: Instead of saying, “You’re such a liar,” try saying something like, “I don’t like that you lied to me, but I still love you no matter what.”

6. Be clear about your expectations

Let your kid know that lying is not okay, period.

Example: Sit your kid down and say something like, “In our family, we always tell the truth, even when it’s hard. Lying is never okay.”

7. Help them understand the consequences of lying.

Explain how lying can hurt relationships and make it hard for people to trust them.

Example: Explain it like this – “When you lie to me, it makes it hard for me to trust you. And when I can’t trust you, it means I can’t give you as much freedom or responsibility.”

8. Encourage problem-solving

If your kid is lying to avoid getting in trouble, help them brainstorm other solutions.

Example: If your kid is lying to avoid getting in trouble for not doing their chores, say something like, “I understand you don’t want to get in trouble, but lying isn’t the answer. 

Let’s figure out a way for you to get your chores done so you don’t feel like you have to lie about it.”

9. Be willing to forgive

Kids make mistakes. If they come clean and apologize, be willing to move on.

Example: When your kid apologizes for lying, say something like, “I forgive you, and I appreciate your apology. Let’s start fresh and try to be honest with each other from now on.”

10. Seek professional help if lying becomes a chronic problem

Sometimes, lying can be a sign of a deeper issue that requires outside help.

Example: If your kid is lying frequently and it’s starting to cause serious problems, say something like, “I’m worried about how often you’re lying. I think it would be helpful for us to talk to a therapist or counselor who can help us work through this together.”

How to Use Consequences for Lying Kids

a mom sitting on sofa and her child sitting on the floor in front of a bookshelf

Now, let’s talk about the consequences. While I’m not a fan of harsh punishments, there do need to be consequences for lying. Here are some options:

1. Loss of privileges

Take away screen time, playdates, or other fun activities.

Example: “Because you lied to me about where you were after school, you’re going to lose your TV privileges for the rest of the week.”

2. Extra chores

Have your kid do some extra work around the house.

Example: “As a consequence for lying about finishing your homework, you’re going to have to do the dishes every night this week.”

3. Writing an apology letter

This can help them reflect on their actions and make amends.

Example: “I want you to write a letter apologizing to your sister for lying about borrowing her sweater without asking. Explain why what you did was wrong and how you’ll make it right.”

4. Make them right their wrong

If they lied about breaking something, have them help fix or replace it.

Example: “Since you lied about spilling juice on the carpet, you’re going to help me clean it up and pay for half of the carpet cleaning bill with your allowance.”

5. Grounding

Good old-fashioned grounding can be effective for older kids.

Example: “You’re grounded for the weekend because you lied to me about going to your friend’s house when you were supposed to be at the library studying.”

6. Restitution

If their lie caused harm to someone else, have them make it up to that person somehow.

Example: “You lied to your brother about not breaking his toy, and he’s really upset. I want you to do something nice for him, like make him a card or do one of his chores for him, to make it up to him.”

7. Loss of trust

Let them know that their lying has made it hard for you to trust them and that they’ll need to earn that trust back.

Example: “I’m really disappointed that you lied to me about completing your chores. It’s going to take some time for me to trust you again, and you’re going to have to earn that trust back by being extra responsible and honest.”

8. Natural consequences

Sometimes, the natural consequence of a lie is enough.

Example: “You lied to your teacher about turning in your project, and now you’re getting a zero on the assignment. That’s a natural consequence of your choice to lie.”

9. Have an honest conversation

Sometimes, a heart-to-heart talk about why lying is wrong and how it affects others is the most powerful consequence of all.

Example: Sit your kid down and say something like, “I want to talk to you about why lying is wrong. It might seem like a quick fix at the moment, but it can really hurt your relationships and make people not trust you. I know you’re a good kid, and I want to help you make better choices in the future.”

Oof, that was a lot. But the truth is (see what I did there?) lying is a tricky issue, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

stop kids from lying image use for pinterest


Raising an honest child is no easy feat, but it’s one of the most important things you’ll ever do as a parent.

It won’t happen overnight, but with consistency and patience, you’ll get there. 

And when you do, you’ll be the proudest parent on the block. So, keep your head up, your heart open, and your wine glass full. You’ve got this, mama.