16 Tips You Must Read Before Visiting a Newborn Baby (New parents will love you)

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Written By Olivia Miller

Author at Montessori Expert.

I know you’re dying to meet that adorable new baby your bestie just had.

Those squishy cheeks, tiny toes, and that new baby smell – irresistible, right? But hold up!

Before you rush over there, mama bear has a few things she wishes you knew.

As someone who’s been through the newborn phase myself, trust me, these tips will make your visit way more enjoyable for everyone involved.

So grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let me spill the beans on the 18 must-know tips before visiting a newborn baby.

16 Tips New Moms Wished You Knew Before Visiting A Newborn Baby

1. Ask permission to visit

I get it, you’re excited to meet the little nugget.

But before you just pop by, make sure to ask the new parents if it’s a good time to visit.

They’re adjusting to a whole new life and might not be up for entertaining guests 24/7.

A quick text or call to check in first will show you respect their space and new routine. Trust me, they’ll appreciate you so much more for being considerate.

2. Respect Naptime

a newborn baby sleeping on a white rug

Newsflash: babies sleep a lot. Like, a whole lot.

And when they’re not sleeping, they’re probably eating or needing a diaper change.

So if you show up during naptime, don’t expect to get in a lot of baby snuggles.

The new parents are probably using that precious quiet time to catch some Zzz’s themselves or just enjoy a moment of peace.

If the baby is snoozing when you arrive, keep your voice down and let them rest. There will be plenty of time for coos and cuddles later.

3. Ask Before Holding the Baby

a mom holding a baby in their arms while standing in front of a crib
a mom holding a baby in their arms while standing in front of a crib

Those chubby baby cheeks are hard to resist, I know.

But before you scoop up the little bundle of joy, make sure to ask the parents first.

Some new moms are totally cool with passing their baby around like a hot potato, while others may be more protective or just want some skin-to-skin time to themselves.

Respect their wishes and don’t take it personally if they say no. It’s not you, it’s them (and by them I mean the hormones and sleep deprivation).

4. Offer Help

Instead of just showing up to hold the baby, offer to help out in other ways.

Bring a meal, do a load of laundry, or watch the baby so the new parents can shower or nap.

Trust me, they’ll appreciate the extra set of hands way more than another person just wanting baby time.

Even little things like washing dishes or walking the dog can make a huge difference in their day.

5. Keep the Volume Down

a mom laying on a bed with a baby

Remember how I said babies sleep a lot? Well, they also startle easily.

So when you’re visiting, keep your voice down and avoid any sudden loud noises.

That means no shouting across the room, no blaring music, and definitely no screaming at the TV during the big game.

If the baby is sleeping, be extra quiet and let those little ears rest. Trust me, a startled baby is not a happy baby, and an unhappy baby means unhappy parents.

6. Don’t Bring a Crowd

I know you’re excited to show off the new baby to all your friends, but resist the urge to bring a whole entourage with you.

New parents are already overwhelmed and exhausted, and the last thing they need is a house full of people passing the baby around like a party favor.

Keep your visits small and intimate, and save the big group gatherings for later when the parents have had a chance to adjust.

7. Don’t Wear Out Your Welcome

As much as the new parents love you, they also need their space.

Don’t overstay your welcome or expect to camp out at their house all day.

Keep your visits short and sweet, and be mindful of the parents’ cues that it’s time to wrap things up.

If they start yawning or looking longingly at the door, take the hint and make your exit.

They’ll appreciate you even more for being respectful of their time and energy.

8. Avoid Strong Scents

New babies have sensitive noses, and strong scents can be overwhelming for them.

So when you’re visiting, avoid wearing perfume, cologne, or anything else with a strong odor.

The same goes for bringing scented gifts like candles or lotions. Stick to mild, unscented products or skip them altogether.

The last thing you want is for the baby to be sneezing and fussy because of your fancy new perfume.

9. Be Patient

Newborns are unpredictable, and sometimes they just don’t cooperate with your visit.

They may be fussy, need to eat, or just want to sleep the whole time you’re there.

Don’t take it personally if the baby isn’t in the mood for cuddles or if the parents need to focus on their little one.

Be patient and understanding, and know that there will be plenty of opportunities for bonding later on.

10. Don’t Compare Babies

Every baby is different, and it’s important not to compare them to others.

Don’t make comments about how big or small the baby is, how much hair they have (or don’t have), or how they stack up to other babies you know.

New parents are already dealing with enough pressure and anxiety without feeling like their baby is being judged.

Instead, focus on the positive and celebrate the unique little person they’ve created.

11. Avoid Bringing Pets

I know your fur baby is part of the family, but it’s best to leave them at home when visiting a newborn.

Even the most well-behaved pets can be unpredictable around babies, and new parents have enough to worry about without adding a curious dog or cat to the mix.

Plus, babies have delicate immune systems, and pet dander and germs can be harmful to them.

Save the pet introductions for later when the baby is a little older and stronger.

12. Be thoughtful about your choice of gifts

While it’s tempting to buy the cutest little outfit or the trendiest baby gear, sometimes the most appreciated gifts are the practical ones.

Diapers, wipes, and baby care essentials may not be glamorous, but trust me, the new parents will be thanking you when they’re running low at 2 AM.

If you do want to get something more personal, consider a thoughtful gift like a cozy blanket, a special keepsake, or even a gift card for a baby-friendly restaurant or delivery service.

13. Ask about bringing your kids in advance

If you have kids of your own, it’s important to ask the new parents if it’s okay to bring them along for the visit.

Some new parents may welcome the company of other kids, while others may prefer to keep visitors to a minimum.

If you do bring your kids, make sure they understand the importance of being gentle and quiet around the baby.

Bring some quiet activities to keep them occupied, and be prepared to take them home if they start getting too rambunctious.

14. Sanitize your hands

Newborns have delicate immune systems, so it’s important to take extra precautions to keep them healthy.

Before holding the baby, make sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.

This helps reduce the risk of passing on any germs or illnesses to the little one.

If you’re feeling under the weather, it’s best to postpone your visit until you’re feeling better to avoid exposing the baby to any potential sickness.

15. Don’t visit if you’re sick

Speaking of sickness, if you’re feeling even the slightest bit under the weather, it’s best to stay home.

Newborns are especially vulnerable to illnesses, and even a minor cold can be serious for them.

If you’ve been around someone who’s sick or if you’re experiencing any symptoms like a fever, cough, or runny nose, give the new parents a heads up and reschedule your visit for when you’re feeling better.

They’ll appreciate your consideration for their baby’s health.

16. Don’t offer parenting tips

a mom smiles while holding a baby

As a new parent, everyone seems to have an opinion on how to care for a baby.

But unless the new parents specifically ask for your advice, it’s best to keep your thoughts to yourself.

They’re already navigating a whole new world of parenthood, and unsolicited advice can come across as criticism or judgment.

Trust that they’re doing their best and figuring things out in their own way. If they do ask for your input, offer it gently and without pressure.

17. Don’t Take Things Personal

New parents are going through a lot of changes and emotions, and sometimes that can come out in unexpected ways.

If they seem short-tempered, emotional, or just not like their usual selves, don’t take it personally.

Hormones, sleep deprivation, and the overwhelming responsibility of caring for a new life can all take a toll.

Be patient, offer support, and know that it’s not about you. They’ll be back to their old selves in time, and they’ll appreciate your understanding and grace in the meantime.

before visiting a newborn baby you should consider these tips image use for pinterest


Remember, these tips aren’t meant to create a rigid rulebook.

They’re a guide to sail through those early visits with grace and ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

The most important thing? Be present. Savor the quiet moments with your friend and your newborn.

These early days are a beautiful, irreplaceable chapter in your story, and every cuddle, every coo, and every precious smile is a memory you’ll cherish forever.

Let your friend share in that magic, even if it’s just for a short while. After all, the truest gift you can offer is your genuine presence and the joy of welcoming a new life into the world.