What To Teach A 1 Year Old: Building Blocks of Learning

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Written By Olivia Miller

Author at Montessori Expert.

Your little one is turning one! It’s a time of explosive growth, boundless curiosity, and endless possibilities.

This exciting age is packed with developmental milestones, and you might be wondering, “What to teach a 1 year old?”

Worry not, because parenthood is not about forcing academics; it’s about fostering a love for learning through exploration, play, and everyday interactions. So, what can you do to support your child’s journey during this incredible year?

1. Building the Blocks of Language: Communication & Storytelling

book basket activity

At one year old, your child is a language sponge, soaking up sounds, meanings, and nuances of communication. Here’s how to nurture their blossoming language skills:

  • Talk, talk, talk: Narrate your day, sing songs, read stories, and engage in simple conversations. The more they hear language, the faster they’ll understand and use it.
  • Respond to babbles: Acknowledge their attempts to communicate with smiles, sounds, and simple words. Show them their efforts are seen and heard.
  • Point and label: Introduce everyday objects by pointing and saying their names clearly. Repetition is key for their little brains to absorb new information.
  • Encourage imitation: Mimic their sounds and babbles, creating a playful back-and-forth that reinforces their vocalizations.

2. Exploring the World: Sensory Play & Physical Development

This is a time for sensory exploration! Let your child discover the world through sight, touch, taste, smell, and sound:

sensory bin activity
  • Sensory bins: Fill a tub with sand, water, beans, or other safe materials for them to scoop, pour, and explore textures.
  • Mirror play: A safe mirror provides endless fascination, encouraging self-awareness and exploration of facial expressions.
  • Outdoor adventures: Take walks, explore nature, listen to birdsong, and let them feel different textures like grass, sand, and leaves.
  • Gross motor activities: Encourage crawling, climbing, walking, and dancing to develop physical skills and coordination.

3. Independence & Problem-Solving: Encouraging Self-Discovery

a mom and two children are planting flowers in a pot

Your little one is eager to explore and do things on their own. Embrace this natural desire for independence:

  • Provide safe opportunities: Offer age-appropriate toys and activities they can explore independently, building confidence and problem-solving skills.
  • Let them try: Even if they struggle, allow them to attempt tasks like putting on shoes or using a spoon. Guide them gently, but celebrate their efforts.
  • Make choices: Offer simple choices like “red or blue cup?” or “apple or banana?” to empower them and introduce the concept of decision-making.
  • Embrace the mess: Let them explore messy play with paints, finger foods, or water. It’s part of the learning process and sensory development.

4. Building Social & Emotional Skills: Play & Interactions

Social interactions and emotional understanding are crucial at this age. Here’s how to foster them:

  • Playdates: Organize playdates with other children for them to learn cooperation, sharing, and communication skills.
  • Read social stories: Books about emotions and social situations can help them understand and express their feelings.
  • Model empathy: Show compassion and understanding when your child experiences emotions like sadness or frustration. Guide them through these feelings with patience and love.
  • Set clear boundaries: Gentle and consistent boundaries provide a safe and predictable environment, fostering emotional security.

5. Remember, Play is the Key!

Don’t get bogged down in structured lessons or flashcards. At this age, play is the most important learning tool.

Whether it’s building with blocks, playing pretend, or simply exploring their surroundings, play allows your child to experiment, discover, and develop essential skills naturally.

teaching 1 year old image use for pinterest


Remember, each child develops at their own unique pace. Milestones are simply guidelines, not rigid deadlines. Focus on creating a loving and stimulating environment, celebrating your child’s individual progress, and enjoying this precious stage of exploration and wonder.

This is just the beginning of your child’s incredible learning journey. By providing a nurturing environment, engaging in interactive play, and respecting their natural curiosity, you’ll be their best guide and cheerleader as they explore the world and blossom into their unique and amazing selves.