192 Best Postpartum Quotes Inspiration for New Mom Life

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Written By Olivia Miller

Author at Montessori Expert.

Hey there, new mama! Feeling like you’ve just been through a whirlwind? Well, you’re not alone. The postpartum period is a wild ride, filled with joy, exhaustion, and everything in between.

That’s why we’ve gathered 192 of the best postpartum quotes to inspire, uplift, and sometimes make you laugh (because let’s face it, you need it).

These quotes cover everything from the highs of new motherhood to the challenges of postpartum depression. They’re here to remind you that you’re doing an amazing job, even when it feels like you’re just barely keeping it together.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or cold brew, we don’t judge), settle in, and let’s explore these nuggets of wisdom that’ll make you feel seen, heard, and maybe a little less alone in this crazy journey called motherhood.

Postpartum Quotes Inspiration

When the nights are long and the days are a blur, sometimes all you need is a little inspiration to keep going. These postpartum quotes are like a pep talk from your best friend, reminding you of your strength and the incredible job you’re doing.

1. “You’re not just a mom. You’re a superhero in yoga pants.”

2. “Every day may not be good, but there’s something good in every day.”

3. “Motherhood: Powered by love, fueled by coffee, sustained by wine.”

4. “You’ve got this, mama. One day at a time.”

postpartum quote inspiration

5. “Behind every great child is a mom who’s pretty sure she’s screwing it up.”

6. “The days are long, but the years are short.”

7. “Motherhood: Where the days are long, but the years are short.”

postpartum quote inspiration

8. “You’re doing a great job, even if you don’t feel like it.”

9. “In the midst of postpartum chaos, remember: This too shall pass.”

10. “Motherhood is messy and challenging and crazy, and sleepless and giving and still unbelievably beautiful.”

11. “You are the mom your children need. Remember that on your hardest days.”

postpartum quote inspiration

12. “To the world, you are a mother. To your family, you are the world. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too.”

Postpartum Depression Quotes

Postpartum depression is real, and it’s tough. But you’re tougher. These quotes acknowledge the struggle and offer a glimmer of hope when you need it most.

postpartum depression quote

1. “Postpartum depression is part of my life story, not my whole story.”

2. “It’s okay to not be okay. You will be okay again.”

3. “You’re not a bad mother. You’re a mother with depression.”

4. “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.”

postpartum depression quote

5. “Your feelings are valid. Your struggles are real. Your strength is undeniable.”

6. “It’s not selfish to take care of yourself.”

7. “It’s not what you’re going through, it’s how you’re going through it.”

8. “You’re allowed to have hard days and still be a good mom.”

9. “Motherhood is hard. Postpartum depression is real. You are not alone.”

10. “Your story isn’t over yet. Keep fighting, mama.”

11. “Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.”

12. “You’re not a bad mom. You’re a good mom having a hard time.”

13. “Recovery is not one and done. It’s day by day, hour by hour, breath by breath. Don’t give up.” – Glennon Doyle

Postpartum Healing Quotes: Nurturing Your Body and Soul

Your body just did something incredible. Now it’s time to show it some love. These postpartum healing quotes remind you to be patient and kind to yourself as you recover.

Postpartum Healing Quote
Postpartum Healing Quote

1. “Be gentle with yourself. You’re doing the best you can.”

2. “Healing takes courage, and you’ve got plenty of that.”

3. “Healing takes time. Be patient with your progress.”

4. “Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s necessary.”

5. “Your postpartum body tells a story of strength and love.”

6. “Rest when you need to. The dishes can wait.”

7. “Nourish your body, mind, and soul. You deserve it.”

Postpartum Healing Quote
Postpartum Healing Quote

8. “Healing is not linear. Some days are harder than others, and that’s okay.”

9. “Your worth is not measured by how quickly you ‘bounce back’.”

10. “Take it one day at a time. You’re healing, and that takes time.”

11. “Your body whispers, so listen closely. Rest, hydrate, nourish, respect the healing process.” – Rochelle Serna

12. “The postpartum period is a time for healing, not hurrying. Honor your body’s journey.”

13. “Healing doesn’t mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.”

Postpartum Fitness Quotes

Ready to get moving? These postpartum fitness quotes will motivate you to take care of your body, at your own pace and in your own way.

Getting back into fitness after having a baby can be challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to reconnect with your body in a new way.

These quotes offer encouragement and remind you that postpartum fitness is about feeling good, not meeting unrealistic standards.

1. “Strong is the new sexy, especially in motherhood.”

Postpartum Fitness Quote
Postpartum Fitness Quote

2. “Your body achieved greatness. Now it’s time to nourish it.”

3. “Postpartum fitness isn’t about ‘getting your body back’. It’s about feeling strong and confident in your new body.”

4. “Progress, not perfection.”

Postpartum Fitness Quote
Postpartum Fitness Quote

5. “Every step counts. Even if that step is just walking to the mailbox.”

6. “Your body just created life. Now it’s time to nurture and strengthen it, not punish it.”

7. “Fitness is self-care, not punishment.”

8. “Move your body because you love it, not because you hate it.”

9. “Strength doesn’t come from what you can do. It comes from overcoming the things you once thought you couldn’t.”

10. “The only bad workout is the one that didn’t happen.”

11. “Postpartum fitness is not about losing weight. It’s about gaining strength, confidence, and energy to be the best mom you can be.”

Postpartum Support Quotes: You’re Not Alone in This

It takes a village, right? These postpartum support quotes remind you that it’s okay to lean on others and ask for help when you need it.

Having a strong support system can make all the difference in your postpartum journey. These quotes emphasize the importance of community and remind you that it’s okay (and necessary) to ask for help.

Postpartum Support Quote

1. “It’s okay to need help. It doesn’t make you any less of a mom.”

2. “Behind every great mom is a tribe of other moms who have her back.”

3. “You’re not meant to do this alone. Reach out when you need to.”

Postpartum Support Quote

4. “Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is ask for help.”

5. “Your village is out there. Don’t be afraid to find them.”

6. “Motherhood is a team sport. Find your teammates.”

7. “Support is not a sign of weakness, it’s a sign of wisdom.”

8. “You can’t pour from an empty cup. Let others help fill you up.”

9. “It’s not about being a perfect mom. It’s about being a supported mom.”

10. “Supporting each other is what women do best.”

11. “The strength of motherhood is greater when we stand together.”

12. “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about. Reach out, ask for help, and let others support you.”

Postpartum Body Quotes

Your body has changed, and that’s okay. These postpartum body quotes celebrate the amazing things your body has done and encourage you to love it, stretch marks and all.

1. “Your body is a masterpiece. Appreciate the art.”

2. “Stretch marks are tiger stripes. You’ve earned them.”

3. “Your postpartum body is not flawed. It’s powerful.”

4. “Your body created life. That’s pretty freaking amazing.”

5. “Your body tells a story. Make it a love story.”

Postpartum Body Quote

6. “Soft tummy, stretch marks, wider hips – all signs of a body that created life.”

7. “Your worth is not measured in pounds or inches.”

8. “Loving your body is an act of rebellion in a world that tells you not to.”

Postpartum Body Quote

9. “Your body is not ruined. You’re a goddamn tiger who earned her stripes.”

10. “You’re not getting your body back. You’re getting a new one. Rock it.”

11. “Your postpartum body is not a ‘before’ picture. It’s the after. The after of creating life, of bringing joy, of becoming a mother. And that’s beautiful.”

12. “Your body is not an ornament, it’s the vehicle to your dreams. Appreciate what it has done, what it is doing, and what it will continue to do.”

Stretch Marks Quotes

Those little lines tell a big story. These stretch marks quotes help you see them as badges of honor rather than flaws.

Stretch marks are a common concern for many new moms, but they’re also a testament to the incredible journey your body has been through. These quotes encourage you to embrace your stripes and see them as beautiful reminders of your strength.

1. “Stretch marks: Where your baby once called home.”

Stretch Marks Quote

2. “These marks tell a story of growth, change, and new life.”

3. “Your stretch marks are your story written on your skin.”

4. “Wear your tiger stripes with pride. You’ve earned them.”

5. “Stretch marks: Proof that your body can do amazing things.”

6. “These lines are not flaws. They’re battle scars of motherhood.”

Stretch Marks Quote

7. “Your stretch marks are a map of your journey to motherhood.”

8. “Embrace the stripes. They’re part of your unique beauty.”

9. “Stretch marks: Nature’s way of saying ‘Job well done, mama’.”

10. “These marks are not ugly. They’re your body’s love letter to your child.”

11. “Your stretch marks are a map of the journey your body took to bring life into this world. Each line tells a story of strength, growth, and love.”

12. “Stretch marks are not flaws. They are beautiful reminders that your body has the strength and capacity to grow and nurture life. Wear them like the badges of honor they are.”

Postpartum Rage Quotes

Feeling a bit… stabby? Postpartum rage is real, and these quotes help you understand and cope with those intense feelings.

Postpartum rage is a less-talked-about but very real aspect of the postpartum experience for many women. These quotes validate those feelings and offer perspective on dealing with this intense emotion.

Postpartum Rage Quote

1. “Postpartum rage is real, and it doesn’t make you a bad mom.”

2. “It’s okay to feel angry. It’s not okay to stay angry.”

3. “Your rage is valid. Your actions are your responsibility.”

4. “Breathe through the anger. This too shall pass.”

5. “Postpartum rage: When ‘momma bear’ goes into overdrive.”

6. “You’re not crazy. You’re adjusting to a major life change.”

Postpartum Rage Quote

7. “It’s okay to step away and take a breather when rage hits.”

8. “Acknowledge the anger, but don’t let it control you.”

9. “Postpartum rage is a sign you need more support, not that you’re failing.”

10. “Your feelings are valid. Your baby is safe. You will get through this.”

11. “Motherhood is raw and real. It’s okay to acknowledge the hard parts.”

12. “Postpartum rage doesn’t define you. It’s a symptom of a system that expects too much from new mothers without enough support.”

13. “Your rage is valid. Your exhaustion is valid. Your struggles are valid. You are doing the hardest job in the world with little sleep and massive hormonal changes. Be gentle with yourself.”

Postpartum Mom Quotes

Welcome to the mom club! These postpartum mom quotes celebrate the joys, challenges, and everything in between that comes with your new title.

Becoming a mom is a life-changing experience, filled with moments of joy, doubt, and everything in between. These quotes capture the essence of early motherhood and remind you that you’re doing great, even when it doesn’t feel like it.

1. “Mom: the toughest job you’ll ever love.”

2. “Motherhood: The most exhausting, exhilarating, and rewarding job you’ll ever have.”

3. “Being a mom means never peeing alone again, but also never feeling alone again.”

Postpartum Mom Quote

4. “You’re not perfect, but you’re the perfect mom for your baby.”

5. “Motherhood: Where caffeine becomes a food group and dry shampoo is a lifesaver.”

6. “You’ve got this, mama. Even when you think you don’t.”

7. “Motherhood is not for the faint of heart. It’s for the strong, the patient, the loving, and the dedicated. It’s for you, mama.”

8. “You’re doing a great job, even if all you did today was keep the tiny human alive.”

Postpartum Mom Quote

9. “Being a mom is like riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire. And you’re on fire. And everything is on fire.”

10. “You’re not just a mom. You’re a chef, a nurse, a teacher, a chauffeur, and a superhero all rolled into one.”

11. “Being a mother is learning about strengths you didn’t know you had and dealing with fears you didn’t know existed.”

Postpartum Loneliness Quotes

Feeling alone in a house full of people? These postpartum loneliness quotes remind you that many moms feel this way and offer hope for finding connection.

The early days of motherhood can be isolating, even when you’re never truly alone. These quotes acknowledge the reality of postpartum loneliness and offer encouragement for finding connection.

Postpartum Loneliness Quote

1. “You’re not alone in feeling alone. Reach out – other moms understand.”

2. “Loneliness in motherhood is real, but it’s not forever.”

3. “It’s okay to miss your old life while loving your new one.”

4. “Motherhood can be lonely, but you’re part of a global sisterhood.”

5. “You may feel isolated, but you’re connected to every mother who’s ever felt this way.”

6. “The days are long, but you don’t have to go through them alone.”

7. “Loneliness is temporary. Your love for your child is permanent.”

8. “It’s okay to need adult conversation. Seek it out – your sanity matters.”

9. “You’re not alone in your struggles. Other moms are waiting to connect with you.”

Postpartum Loneliness Quote

10. “Motherhood: Where you’re never alone, but can still feel lonely.”

11. “The loneliness of motherhood is the gap between what you thought it would be like and what it actually is.”

12. “In the depths of postpartum loneliness, remember: you are seen, you are heard, you are valued. Your struggles do not define you, but they are a part of your journey. Reach out, connect, and know that you are not alone in this.”

Postpartum Help Quotes

Needing help doesn’t make you weak; it makes you human. These postpartum help quotes encourage you to reach out when you need it.

Asking for help can be challenging, especially for new moms who feel pressure to “do it all.” These quotes remind you that seeking support is a sign of strength, not weakness.

1. “Asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness.”

Postpartum Help Quote
Postpartum Help Quote

2. “It takes a village to raise a child, and to support a new mom.”

3. “You don’t have to do it all. Let others help you shine.”

4. “Accepting help doesn’t make you less of a mom. It makes you a smart one.”

5. “Sometimes the bravest thing you can do is admit you can’t do it alone.”

6. “Motherhood wasn’t meant to be a solo journey. Reach out.”

7. “You’re not admitting defeat by asking for help. You’re ensuring victory.”

8. “Let people help you. You’d do the same for them.”

9. “It’s okay to not have it all together. That’s what help is for.”

10. “Superheroes have sidekicks for a reason. Don’t be afraid to assemble your team.”

11. “The strongest people are those who have the courage to ask for help when they need it.”

12. “In a society that praises independence, remember that interdependence is what truly makes us strong. Asking for help is not admitting failure; it’s inviting others to be part of your success story as a mother.”

Postpartum Husband Quotes

Your partner is on this journey too. These postpartum quotes for husbands (or partners) highlight the importance of teamwork in new parenthood.

1. “Parenthood: Where ‘I love you’ sounds a lot like ‘It’s your turn to change the diaper’.”

2. “Behind every great mom is a dad who’s got her back.”

3. “Teamwork makes the dream work, especially at 3 AM.”

Postpartum Husband Quote

4. “A good partner doesn’t just love the new mom, but supports her journey.”

5. “In the trenches of new parenthood, love is spelled T-E-A-M-W-O-R-K.”

6. “The strongest marriages are forged in the fires of sleepless nights and dirty diapers.”

7. “A partner’s love can be the lifeline a new mom needs in the stormy seas of postpartum.”

8. “Real men don’t fear diapers, they conquer them.”

9. “The best gift a father can give his children is to love their mother.”

10. “In the symphony of parenthood, it takes two to make beautiful music.”

11. “Any man can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.”

12. “The postpartum period isn’t just about mom and baby. It’s about a family adjusting, growing, and supporting each other through one of life’s biggest transitions.”

13. “To the partners of new moms: Your support, your patience, your willingness to learn and grow alongside her – these are invaluable. You’re not just supporting her, you’re helping shape the foundation of your family. Your role in this journey is crucial and appreciated.”

Postpartum Affirmations

When the going gets tough, the tough use affirmations. These postpartum affirmations are like little pep talks to keep you going.

Positive self-talk can be a powerful tool in navigating the challenges of early motherhood. These affirmations offer words of encouragement and self-compassion for those tough postpartum days.

Postpartum Affirmation

1. “I am enough. I am more than enough. I am everything my baby needs.”

2. “I trust my instincts as a mother.”

3. “I am learning and growing every day, just like my baby.”

4. “My body is strong and resilient.”

5. “I deserve rest and self-care.”

6. “I am doing the best I can, and that is enough.”

Postpartum Affirmation

7. “I am capable of handling whatever motherhood throws my way.”

8. “My love for my child is perfect, even when I’m not.”

9. “I am worthy of support and understanding.”

10. “This challenging phase is temporary, but my strength is permanent.”

Mom Life Quotes

Mom life: It’s not always Instagram-worthy, but it’s always worth it. These mom life quotes keep it real and remind you that you’re not alone in the messy, beautiful chaos of motherhood.

Mom life is a rollercoaster of emotions, experiences, and countless memorable moments. These quotes capture the essence of what it truly means to be a mom, with all its ups and downs.

1. “Mom life: Where eating cold food over the sink counts as fine dining.”

2. “Motherhood: Powered by love, fueled by coffee, sustained by wine.”

Mom Life Quote

3. “I love when my kids become my reason to look forward to Monday.”

4. “Mom life is like a circus. You’re the ringmaster, juggler, and clown all at once.”

5. “The days are long, but the laundry is longer.”

6. “Mom life: Where ‘me time’ means hiding in the bathroom for five minutes.”

7. “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a ‘hasn’t slept in years’ mom.”

8. “Mom life is messy, loud, and wonderful.”

Mom Life Quote

9. “Being a mom means never having to wonder what to do with your free time.”

10. “Mom life: Where multitasking is not a skill, it’s a survival strategy.”

After Giving Birth Quotes

You’ve just been through an incredible journey. These after giving birth quotes celebrate your strength and help you navigate the early days of motherhood.

The immediate postpartum period is a time of significant physical and emotional adjustment. These quotes offer encouragement and perspective for those first days and weeks after giving birth.

After Giving Birth Quote

1. “You just did the impossible. Everything else is cake.”

2. “Your body is a wonderland… of weird postpartum stuff. It’s all normal.”

3. “Congratulations! You’ve leveled up to ‘Mom’.”

4. “You’re not tired, you’re a new mom. There’s a difference.”

5. “Welcome to the fourth trimester. It’s wild, but you’ve got this.”

6. “Your body just did something amazing. Be kind to it.”

7. “The first rule of the fourth trimester: There are no rules. Do what works for you.”

After Giving Birth Quote

8. “You’re not falling apart, you’re falling into place as a mother.”

9. “Every feed, every diaper change, every cuddle – you’re doing great.”

10. “You’re not just postpartum, you’re post-awesome.”

Postpartum Motivational Quotes

When the days are long and the nights are longer, these postpartum motivational quotes will give you the boost you need to keep going.

1. “You’ve survived 100% of your worst days. You’ve got this.”

2. “Motherhood is tough, but so are you.”

Postpartum Motivational Quote

3. “The same boiling water that softens the potato hardens the egg. It’s about what you’re made of, not the circumstances.”

4. “You are the mom your children need. Trust yourself.”

5. “Every expert was once a beginner. Give yourself time.”

6. “Your track record for getting through bad days so far is 100%. That’s pretty good.”

7. “You are not a perfect mom, and that’s okay. You are a real mom, and that’s amazing.”

Postpartum Motivational Quote

8. “The days are long, but the years are short. Cherish every moment.”

9. “You are doing a great job, even when it doesn’t feel like it.”

10. “Remember why you started when you’re doubting how far you can go.”


There you have it! Embrace the journey of motherhood with these empowering postpartum quotes. You’re never alone, and you’re doing an incredible job, mama.

See Postpartum Recovery Infographic Here

Timeline of Postpartum Recovery
Inforgraphic By jomicompression.com

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