Montessori at Home: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Written By Olivia Miller

Author at Montessori Expert.

Are you looking to create a nurturing and educational environment for your child right at home? Montessori education emphasizes independence, hands-on learning, and respect for each child’s individual growth.

Bringing Montessori principles into your home can offer your child a rich and supportive environment to thrive in.

What Is Montessori At Home?

A Montessori home is one where the design and people are based on the child’s needs. The goal is to help children grow and become independent by creating an environment that encourages routines, good habits, and a sense of responsibility.

principles of montessori education
principles of montessori education

What is the best age to start Montessori at home?

Some say that the best age to start Montessori at home is between 0–3 years old. Others say that the best time to enroll a child in a Montessori school is between 2.5–6 years old. 

At this age, children are most sensitive to the world around them and are able to master a wide range of skills while pursuing their interests. 

However, you can bring Montessori into your home with children as young as a few months old. 

You can observe your child to know when they are ready for Montessori. Children will give non-verbal cues to tell you they are ready. 

Some say that it’s easier to start Montessori young and transfer to another school when the time comes than to transfer into Montessori as an older child.

How to teach montessori at home?

is gentle parenting effective featured image
  1. Organize your environment: A Montessori principle is to have a place for everything and everything in its place.
  2. Emphasize life skills: Even young children can help around the house.
  3. Teach concentration: Focus on inner motivation, not rewards.
  4. Connect materials and curriculam with each child’s interests: Parents can create a prepared environment that encourages students to explore and discover.
  5. Create a bond of trust: Show your child that they can do almost anything you can do, especially in the kitchen.
  6. Use a weaning table: A weaning table is a small, child-sized table where young children can sit during meals. This can help pave the way to make mealtimes more positive.
  7. Provide a shelf in the pantry and refrigerator: Give your child a shelf in the pantry and refrigerator where their eating utensils are within reach.
  8. Follow three-hour uninterrupted periods of learning: Allow your child an uninterrupted period so they can concentrate and learn.
  9. Be around to observe and guide them: When they need support, be around to observe and guide them.

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Montessori At Home Curriculum For 0-3 Year Olds

1. Language:

  • 0-12 months: Focus on rich exposure to sound and language. Talk, sing, and narrate daily activities. Provide textured books and safe sound-making objects.
  • 12-24 months: Encourage babbling and first words. Engage in simple conversations, name objects as you use them, and read picture books together. Offer manipulatives like counting rings or stacking cups for early vocabulary building.
  • 2-3 years: Expand vocabulary through picture books, songs, and everyday interactions. Introduce alphabet blocks, letter puzzles, and rhyming games. Encourage storytelling and dramatic play.

2. Math:

  • 0-12 months: Offer opportunities for counting and sorting through everyday activities. Sing counting songs and point to objects while doing it.
  • 12-24 months: Provide manipulatives like stacking cups, building blocks, and sorting bowls. Encourage sorting by color, size, or shape. Introduce simple counting activities with finger puppets or objects.
  • 2-3 years: Expand on sorting and counting games. Introduce concepts like “big/small,” “more/less,” and “same/different.” Use everyday activities like setting the table for basic addition and subtraction practice.

3. Culture:

  • 0-12 months: Expose your child to diverse cultures through music, food, and stories. Celebrate different holidays and traditions. Use picture books and dolls to showcase diversity.
  • 12-24 months: Continue exposure to diverse cultures. Engage in simple crafts and activities related to different holidays and traditions. Encourage exploration of world maps and globes.
  • 2-3 years: Introduce basic geography concepts like continents and countries. Read books about children from different cultures. Encourage imaginative play with dolls and clothing depicting diverse backgrounds.

4. Practical Life:

  • 0-12 months: Offer opportunities for self-care activities like putting on socks or holding a spoon. Encourage exploration of safe household objects.
  • 12-24 months: Involve your child in simple chores like wiping spills or sorting laundry. Provide low shelves and containers for them to put away toys. Encourage handwashing and other self-care routines.
  • 2-3 years: Expand on self-care and chores. Allow them to help with setting the table, preparing meals (age-appropriate tasks), and cleaning up spills. Teach basic gardening skills or simple cooking tasks like stirring or mixing.

5. Sensorial:

  • 0-12 months: Provide textured objects, rattles, and mirrors for sensory exploration. Offer safe opportunities to touch, taste, and smell different things.
  • 12-24 months: Introduce sorting activities based on texture, temperature, and sound. Offer sensory bins with sand, water, or other safe materials. Play games like “I spy” to focus on specific sensory details.
  • 2-3 years: Expand on sensory activities with more complex materials like clay, playdough, and natural elements like leaves and rocks. Create scavenger hunts to explore different textures, sounds, and smells in your environment.

Remember, this is a general framework. Adapt it to your child’s unique needs and interests. There are many Montessori resources available online and in libraries to further your exploration. Enjoy creating a nurturing and learning-rich environment for your little one!

By incorporating Montessori principles into your home environment, you can provide your child with a holistic approach to education that focuses on their growth and development.

Remember, Montessori is not just a teaching method; it’s a way of life that values respect, independence, and a love for learning.

Remember, the key to successfully implementing Montessori at home is to embrace the philosophy with patience, flexibility, and a deep understanding of your child’s needs. Create a supportive and enriching environment where your child can thrive and grow into their full potential.

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