20 Unique Birthday Party Activities to Keep Everyone Entertained

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Written By Olivia Miller

Author at Montessori Expert.

Birthdays are a time for celebration! These 20 creative activities will keep your child’s party guests entertained, engaged, and smiling.

From silly games to artistic endeavors, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

Activity 1: Parachute Play

Parachute Play Activity
Parachute Play Activity

Age Group: 2-8 years old

Materials: Large parachute (available online or at party stores), small balls or beanbags

How to Perform: Up, up, and away! This classic group activity is a guaranteed giggle-fest. Have the children stand around the edge of a large parachute and hold onto the handles. Sing songs or chant rhymes as you all lift the parachute up and down, letting small balls or beanbags bounce on top.

Area of Development:* Gross motor skills, Cooperation, Following directions

Activity 2: Pin the Tail on the…

Age Group: 3-8 years old

Materials: Large poster board, picture of an animal (cutout with tail missing), blindfold (made from scarf or bandana), small cutouts of tails (decorated with different colors or patterns)

How to Perform: A birthday party favorite! Hang a poster with a picture of an animal missing its tail (such as a donkey, bunny, or fox) on the wall. Blindfold each child one at a time and spin them around gently. Hand them a tail and let them try to pin it on the correct spot on the animal. The closest guess wins!

Area of Development:* Balance, Fine motor skills, Taking turns

Activity 3: Fort Fun

build a fort activity

Age Group: 4-8 years old

Materials: Blankets, pillows, chairs, clothesline (optional)

How to Perform: Let imaginations soar! Drape blankets over chairs or use a clothesline to create a cozy fort. Gather pillows, stuffed animals, and flashlights for extra fun. This simple activity provides a space for children to relax, play pretend, and bond with friends.

Area of Development:* Creativity, Problem-solving skills, Social interaction

Activity 4: Musical Freeze Dance

dancing freeze activity

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Music player

How to Perform: Move and groove! Put on some lively music and have the children dance around the room. When the music stops, everyone must freeze in place! Play again and again with different types of music for a fun and energetic game.

Area of Development:* Gross motor skills, Following directions, Listening skills

Activity 5: Craft Corner

Craft Corner Activity

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Variety of art supplies (crayons, markers, construction paper, stickers, etc.)

How to Perform: Get creative! Set up a table with various art supplies and let the children unleash their inner artist. You can provide specific themes or let their imaginations run wild. This is a relaxing activity that allows for self-expression and creativity.

Area of Development: Creativity, Fine motor skills, Individual expression

Activity 6: Treasure Hunt Extravaganza

Age Group: 5-8 years old

Materials: Paper, crayons (or markers), small prizes or treats, optional: balloons

How to Perform: Hunt for hidden goodies! Create a treasure map with clues leading to hidden treats around your house or backyard. You can use simple drawings or symbols for landmarks and hiding spots. Let the children work together to decipher the clues and find the hidden treasure! To add a festive touch, tie balloons to the hiding spots for visual cues.

Area of Development: Problem-solving skills, Following directions, Teamwork

Activity 7: Obstacle Course Challenge

obstacle course challenge activity

Age Group: 4-8 years old

Materials: Pillows, blankets, chairs, cones (traffic cones or homemade paper cones)

How to Perform: Test those agility skills! Set up an obstacle course using pillows, blankets, chairs, and cones. The children can crawl under tunnels, hop over obstacles, and balance on beams (chairs turned on their sides). Time each other for an extra challenge or simply have fun navigating the course.

Area of Development: Gross motor skills, Balance, Following directions

Activity 8: Pass the Parcel

Pass the Parcel Activity

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Wrapped gift (with multiple layers), music player

How to Perform: A musical unwrapping game! Wrap a small prize or treat in several layers of boxes, bags, or wrapping paper. Put on some music and have the children pass the parcel around the circle. When the music stops, the child holding the parcel gets to unwrap one layer. The game continues until the prize is revealed!

Area of Development: Taking turns, Anticipation, Fine motor skills (unwrapping)

Activity 9: Dance Like a… Freeze!

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Music player

How to Perform: Get silly and move like a favorite animal! Put on some music and call out different animals (crocodile, monkey, penguin). The children have to dance around the room pretending to be that animal. When you yell “Freeze!” everyone stops and holds their pose. This active game is a great way to get the wiggles out and promote creativity.

Area of Development: Gross motor skills, Creativity, Following directions

Activity 10: Pinata Piñata!

Age Group: 3-8 years old (with adult supervision)

Materials: Piñata filled with candy or small toys, bat (or pool noodle), blindfold (made from scarf or bandana)

How to Perform: A classic party finale! Hang a piñata filled with candy or small toys securely from a sturdy branch or support (with adult help). Blindfold each child one at a time (with a safe, soft cloth) and give them a bat or pool noodle. Let them take turns swinging and trying to break open the piñata to collect the treats inside! (Adult supervision recommended throughout this activity).

Area of Development: Gross motor skills, Taking turns, Following directions

Recommended: 300+ Fun & Easy Toddler Activities for Hours of Fun

Activity 11: Bubble Bonanza

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Bubble solution, bubble wands (store-bought or homemade)

How to Perform: Blow, blow, blow! Bubbles are a simple yet delightful activity for children of all ages. Purchase bubble solution or make your own with a recipe online. Let the children chase, pop, and float bubbles for endless entertainment. You can even set up a bubble station with different sized wands for variety.

Area of Development: Visual tracking, Focus, Outdoor play (weather permitting)

Activity 12: Story Time Fun

book basket activity

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Children’s book (related to a party theme or a favorite story)

How to Perform: Cuddle up for a story! Take a break from the active games and gather the children for story time. Choose a book related to the party theme or a favorite story that everyone enjoys. Reading aloud fosters language development, imagination, and a love for books.

Area of Development: Language development, Imagination, Relaxation

Activity 13: Face Painting Fun

Face Painting Fun Activity

Age Group: 3-8 years old (with adult supervision)

Materials: Face paint (safe and non-toxic), paint brushes, water container, small sponges (optional)

How to Perform: Transform into a favorite character! Face painting is a popular party activity that lets children unleash their creativity. Use safe, non-toxic face paint and paint brushes to create designs like butterflies, superheroes, or silly mustaches. (Adult supervision recommended for applying face paint).

Area of Development: Self-expression, Creativity, Fine motor skills (painting)

Activity 14: Balloon Stomp

Age Group: 4-8 years old

Materials: Balloons (inflated), string

How to Perform: Pop, pop, pop! Tie inflated balloons to each child’s ankle with string. The goal is to pop other children’s balloons while protecting their own. The last child with an un-popped balloon wins! This energetic game is a fun way to get the kids moving and laughing.

Area of Development: Gross motor skills, Following directions, Strategic thinking

Activity 15: Duck, Duck, Goose!

Age Group: All ages

Materials: None needed

How to Perform: A classic circle game! Have the children sit in a circle. One child walks around the outside of the circle tapping each child on the head and saying “duck.” Occasionally, they tap a child’s head and say “goose!” The “goose” must then chase after the tapping child around the circle and try to take their spot. This is a simple and active game that is easy to learn and fun for all ages.

Area of Development: Following directions, Taking turns, Social interaction

Activity 16: Shake Up a Dance Party

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Music player, streamers (optional)

How to Perform: Move and groove! This is a free and easy way to get everyone moving and having fun. Put on some upbeat music and encourage the children to dance freely. You can even decorate the space with streamers or balloons to add to the festive atmosphere. Let loose and enjoy the music together!

Area of Development: Gross motor skills, Self-expression, Social interaction

Activity 17: Freeze Tag Freeze Dance!

Age Group: 4-8 years old

Materials: None needed

How to Perform: A twist on a classic game! Combine freeze tag and freeze dance for a fun and active game. One child is “it” and tries to tag the other children. When a child is tagged, they must freeze in place. Occasionally, yell “freeze dance!” and everyone, including “it,” must freeze in place. The game continues until everyone is tagged or you decide to switch who is “it.”

Area of Development: Gross motor skills, Following directions, Quick thinking

Activity 18: Sidewalk Chalk Extravaganza

sidewalk chalk activity

Age Group: 3-8 years old

Materials: Sidewalk chalk (in various colors)

How to Perform: Turn your driveway into a work of art! Head outside on a nice day with a box of sidewalk chalk. Let the children draw pictures, write messages, or create hopscotch games on the pavement. This is a simple yet satisfying way to express creativity and enjoy the outdoors (weather permitting).

Area of Development: Creativity, Fine motor skills, Outdoor play

Activity 19: Pinata Painting Party

Age Group: 5-8 years old

Materials: Small piñata (paper or cardboard), paint brushes, paint (various colors), newspapers (to cover surfaces)

How to Perform: Create a personalized piñata! Instead of buying a pre-made piñata, consider decorating a plain one together. This is a fun pre-party activity or a great alternative to a traditional piñata game. Provide newspapers to cover surfaces and let the children paint their own designs on the piñata. Once dry, you can fill it with candy or small toys and have the children break it open to reveal the treats inside.

Area of Development: Creativity, Fine motor skills, Group activity

Activity 20: Thank You Craft Corner

Age Group: All ages

Materials: Construction paper, markers, crayons, stickers (optional)

How to Perform: Show appreciation! Set up a craft station with materials for the children to make thank-you cards for the party favors or gifts. This is a thoughtful way to end the celebration and allows the children to express their gratitude.

Area of Development:* Creativity, Fine motor skills, Gratitude

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